Our services 


LDgenX specializes in the analysis of next-generation genetic and genomic data.
With its expertise at the forefront of the latest scientific advancements and innovation, LDgenX provides robust and in-depth analyses, enabling the development of sustainable management strategies for biodiversity conservation. 

Examples of typical analyses:

  • Estimation of fundamental demographic parameters for management: inbreeding coefficient, nucleotide diversity, effective population size, migration.

  • Spatial structuring analysis and identification of local adaptation for the establishment of protected zones or quotas (fishing, hunting).

  • Determination of natural and anthropogenic hybridization (escapees from domestic individuals).

  • Temporal dynamics of populations and evolutionary mechanisms at play.

  • Identification of individual origin and assignment.

Environmental DNA

Environmental DNA analysis (eDNA) is a rapidly growing discipline, and LDgenX leads the way in innovation in this field.

We offer biodiversity identification services down to the species level using long-read sequencing data processing.

LDgenX also analyzes commonly used metagenomic data in the field of microorganisms.

Examples of typical analyses:

  • Precise description of biodiversity, down to the species level.
  • Environmental monitoring.

  • Identification of invasive species.
  • Detection of new variants.

Genomic seletion

To develop sustainable aquaculture and agriculture,
LDgenX uses genomics tools to enhance the resilience, productivity, and quality of both animal and plant species,s while minimizing environmental impact.

Examples of typical analyses:

  • Identification of genes of interest.
  • Establishment of breeding plans.
  • Evaluation of pedigrees.
  • Pathogen detection.

Research & Development

The core business of LDgenX is research and development. 

We support you in all types of projects.

Together, we define your issues, your needs, and the feasibility of the project.

Examples of typical services:

  • Supervision
  • Project support and development
  • Scientific advice
  • Writing scientific articles

SIREN 952193837 - RCS Montpellier - NAF 7112B