About LDgenX

Biodiversity and conservation

Societal awareness of biodiversity major role in ecosystems viability and species sustainability only emerged at the end of the twentieth century. Thus, conservation biology and genetics became an entire scientific discipline aiming to study biodiversity from the ecosystemic to the molecular level.

This discipline has shown the importance of intra-specific genetic diversity as a driving force of evolution, allowing species to adapt and evolve in the face of environmental changes. However, the various anthropic pressures, such as the destruction of natural environments and the overexploitation of resources, have led to a drastic decline in biodiversity at all scales, thus impacting the evolutionary potential of species.

It became essential to consider genetics in conservation programs allowing to understand species responses to environmental changes. Protecting ecosystems and the included species without integrating the underlying evolutionary dynamics is no longer sufficient to efficiently protect biodiversity. Indeed, some measures with directly positive effects on demography (repopulation, translocation) can have long lasting negative consequences on populations by causing loss of diversity and/or local adaptations.

This is why we decided to create this office, in order to make accessible the use of genomic tools for most conservation management programs and sustainable exploitation of natural ressources. We also want to display our knowledge and expertise to help studies for the protection and conservation of biodiversity in these critical times.


How does LDgenX work?

We accompany and advise you in the creation of your project, then we evaluate together the molecular and analytical needs of your project before making an estimate. The samples will be externally processed by specialized molecular biology laboratories before being returned to us for analysis.

Once our genetic and/or genomic analyses are completed, we will send you a complete analysis report addressing each of the points discussed during the development of the project. 

We can also assist you in writing scientific articles.

Contact us for more information

SIREN 952193837 - RCS Montpellier - NAF 7112B